Age Minimum age for overseas teams is normally 18. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Insurance Members of foreign teams must take out insurance cover. GLO can --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- arrange this as follows: up to 11 days:- £20 18 days:- £25 24 days:-£30 31 days:- £35 --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Travel For teams outwith the UK GLO can arrange air travel, but PLEASE APPLY AS --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- EARLY AS POSSIBLE. A deposit of £50 must be sent with your completed --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- application form, the balance to be paid when asked to do so. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Dates The dates given for each location are when you are expected to arrive and --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- leave. Please do not arrange to arrive earlier nor leave later than the dates given. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Cost The cost of accommodation and food for overseas teams may vary depending --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- on the rate of currency at the time of the mission. This should be paid to the team --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- leader in the local currency at the commencement of the mission. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- How to Apply Complete the attached form and send with any fees or deposits to: