README.TXT Introduction -------------- If you have questions or comments regarding Worldcraft, or problems running it, please email: Read WHATSNEW.TXT for info on new features in this version - open it in notepad after you have finished reading this doc. Also very important: Use the QBSP.EXE that comes with this version of Worldcraft. It is specially made to work with Worldcraft's multiple texture files. Worldcraft ------------ Worldcraft is a Map editor by Ben Morris, author of the DOOM Construction Kit. Worldcraft is a Shareware product. Please support low-cost, independent software development and register Worldcraft if you use it. See ORDER.TXT for details. This is the Quake-enabled version of Worldcraft. It allows you to make maps for id Software's very cool game, QUAKE. Other games will be supported in the future, including Raven's HEXEN 2 project and of course, QUAKE 2. Check the following website for up-to-date information on new features and work in progress: *** NOTE: To run Worldcraft, you must first install Microsoft's *** *** DirectX3, which is available from the WWW page above *** As with DCK, I'm always interested in hearing suggestions and bug reports. If you send a bug report, please include detailed information about the problem, including: 1. What went wrong: a description of the symptoms 2. Error messages that appeared, if any 3. What you did to 'activate' the bug 4. The brand name and model of your system's video card. Other Online Worldcraft Resources ----------------------------------- These resources are third-party; that is, they're not supported by me directly. They're all really very good sources of information, so check them out if you're looking for info on Worldcraft and Quake editing. - The Official Worldcraft Editing Site, by Chris "Autolycus" Bokitch and Jason "Loki" Vaux: Thanks also to Chris Bokitch for the Pipes library that comes with the shareware version of Worldcraft. - Jazz Mann's Quake Void: Worldcraft and general Quake Editing tips. Legal stuff ------------- Worldcraft is a trademark of Valve Software - copyright 1996-97, all rights reserved. You may use Worldcraft for a period of up to 30 days, after which you must register Worldcraft or stop using it. YOU ARE LEGALLY BOUND TO REGISTER THE SOFTWARE IF YOU USE IT FOR MORE THAN 30 DAYS. Please see order.txt for registration information. Under no circumstances will Ben Morris or Valve Software be liable for any damages or losses arising from the use or misuse of this software. If you use this software, you agree to these terms. Quake is a trademark of id Software, inc. Special thanks to ------------------- - Brian Smedley ( for beta testing, lots of suggestions, prefab creation, and tech support. - ACD Systems - "if you want something done right and don't want to do it yourself" - :) - Walter Costinak ( for the new logo and icons! - Jason "WolfeN" Spencer ( for organizing the prefab libraries that come with the registered version. - Mark Kusec ( for the .HLP file authoring and Rowan Crawford ( for the user documentation. - Alex Moon ( for the Direct3D code to create texture coordinates from Quake's texture information. - My beta testers - they are very cool guys - say "hi" to 'em on IRC #quake and #quakeed: Avatar ccaird DarkSpike DRiller Disruptor EvlGenius Loki Mithrus Tanner - Check out the following excellent URLs: DarkSpike's QUAKE news & information site, Impulse 1, at: The QUAKE Stomping Grounds: Blue's QUAKE Rag: ###