1000 PowerVR 1001 HAL version: %s 1002 !q筊 1003 Direct3D/PowerSGL -姎[򈑖0 1004 񇥌0񵴆򈎄0n0󛓤0臽1XL0 Y鬴U00f0D0~0Y00\nS0n0 Y鬴0軴X[W0~0Y0K0 1005 Program Files (*.exe;*.com;*.pif)|*.exe; *.com; *.pif|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 1006 񇥌0񵴆򈎄0n0瑠f0eQ汻W0f0 NU0D00 1007 񇥌0񵴆򈎄0n0󤕘񍲄 T0eQ汻W0f0 NU0D00 1008 x悶bW0_0񇥌0񵴆򈎄0n0󛓤0臽1X0\nJRd朩0f0㓩0W0D0g0Y0K0 1009 Board ID: %s 1010 Direct3D/PowerSGL -姎[򈑖0 1011 Direct3D/PowerSGL -姎[򈑖0 1012 Direct3D-姎[ 1013 PowerVR HAL g筊 1014 PCX-1 1015 PCX-2 1016 UNKNOWN 1017 Y鬴g0M0~0[000S0n0󤕘񍲄 To0(%s)\nY0g0k0諲g0O(uU00f0D0~0Y00 1018 龔燫鶴eg~0[000S0n0󤕘񍲄 To0 (%s)\nY0g0k0諲g0O(uU00f0D0~0Y00. 1019 SGL version: %s 1020 3D Tuning 1021 扤踓'`蛻枆 1022 '`齹蛻枆 1023 Product release: %s 1024 UNKNOWN 2000 s0}-姎[񇥌0񵴆򈎄0󛓤0 2001 񇥌0񵴆򈎄0󛓤0n0-姎[ 2003 Render O&verlap 2004 Allow &Quads 2008 Automatic &MIP Mapping 2010 &Need 3D On 2D 2012 Verte&x Fog 2013 &Gouraud Specular 2014 Enable &PowerVR HAL 3000 Error - bitmap specified in registry could not be found:\n%s 3001 Error - out of memory. Unable to display bitmap:\n%s