Microsoft Technical Support Worldwide
If you are outside the U.S. and have a question about a Microsoft product, first:
Check the information in this Help file or product manual.
Check the readme files that come with your product disks. These files provide general information that became available shortly before the product was released.
Go to Microsoft Technical Support Online at
If you cannot find a solution, you can receive information on how to obtain product support by contacting the Microsoft subsidiary office in your area.
Contacting a Microsoft subsidiary office
When you call your local Microsoft subsidiary, you should be at your computer and have the appropriate product documentation at hand. Be prepared to provide the following information:
The version of the Microsoft product you use
The type of hardware you use, including network hardware, if applicable
The operating system you use
The exact wording of any messages that appeared on your screen
A description of what happened and what you were doing when the problem occurred
A description of how you tried to solve the problem
Microsoft subsidiary offices and the countries they serve are listed below. If there is no Microsoft subsidiary office in your country, please contact the establishment from which you obtained your Microsoft product.
Microsoft Worldwide Subsidiaries
Microsoft de Argentina S.A.
Customer Service: (54) (1) 819-1900
Fax: (54) (1) 819-1921
Technical Support: (54) (1) 314-0560
Microsoft Pty. Ltd.
Fax: (61) (02) 9805 1108
Sales Information Centre: (61) (02) 9870-2100
Internet: //
Technical Support: (61) (02) 9870-2131
Microsoft Ges.m.b.H.
Phone: (+43) 1 610 64-0
Fax: (+43) 1 610 64-200
Information: 0660-6520
CompuServe: GO MSEURO (Microsoft Central Europe)
Standard Support: Installation and Handling
Windows 95: 0660-6510
General information about Support Network in Central Europe:
Fax: 0049/2622/167006
Microsoft NV
Phone: +32-2-730 39 11
Fax: +32-2-726 96 09
Microsoft Information Center: +32-2-481 52 52
CompuServe: 02-2150530 (GO MSBEN)
Bulletin Board Service: +32-2-726 85 45
(14400/1200/2400/9600 Kbaud, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, ANSI)
Technical Support:
+32-2-513 32 74 (Dutch speaking)
+32-2-502 34 32 (English speaking)
+32-2-513 22 68 (French speaking)
See Argentina
Microsoft Informatica Ltda.
Phone: (55) (11) 5514-7100
Fax: (55) (11) 5514-7106 / 5514-7107
Technical Support:
Phone: (55) (11) 5506-8087
Fax: (55) (11) 5506-8506
Bulletin Board Service: (55) (11) 5506-1234
Customer Support: (55) (11) 822-5764
Microsoft Canada Inc.
Head Office Phone: 1 (905) 568-0434
Customer Support Centre: 1 (800) 563-9048
Technical Support:
Desktop Systems including Microsoft Windows 95: 1 (905) 568-4494
Priority Support Information: 1 (800) 668-7975
Text Telephone (TT/TDD): 1 (905) 568-9641
Bulletin Board Service: 1 (905) 507-3022
Microsoft Caribbean, Inc.
Phone: (809) 273-3600
Fax: (809) 273-3636
Technical Support: (214) 714-9100
Central America
See Latin America
Microsoft Chile S.A.
Phone: 56-2-330-6000
Fax: 56-2-330-6190
Customer Service: 56-2-800-213121
Personal Operating Systems and Applications:
Phone: 56-2-330-6222
Fax: 56-2-341-1439
Microsoft Colombia
Phone: (571) 618 2245
Fax: (571) 618 2269
Technical Support: (571) 618 2255
Czech Republic
Microsoft s.r.o.
Phone: (+42) (2) 611 97 111
Fax: (+42) (2) 611 97 100
Technical Support:
(+42) (2) 2150 3222 or 53 52 56 (Windows 95 only)
Microsoft Denmark AS
Phone: (45) 44 89 01 00
Fax: (45) 44 68 55 10
Technical Support:
Phone: (45) 44 89 01 11
Microsoft Sales Support: (45) 44 89 01 90
Microsoft Fast Tips: (45) 44 89 01 44
(Document 303030 in FaxSvar contains detailed instructions)
Microsoft MSDL (BBS): (45) 44 66 90 46
Microsoft Middle East
Phone: (971) 4 513 888
Fax: (971) 4 527 444
Technical Support:
Personal Operating Systems & Desktop Applications:
Phone: (971) (4) 524 488
Fax: (971) (4) 524 495
Priority Support Information: (971) (4) 555 752
Corporation Microsoft del Ecuador S.A.
Phone: (593) 2 460-447, (593) (2) 460-451
Customer Service: (593) (2) 460-453, (593) (2) 460-458
Technical Support: (593) (2) 463-094
Microsoft Egypt
Phone: +202-418-6101
Fax: +202-4174766
Technical Support:
Personal Operating Systems and Desktop Applications:
Phone: (202) 261 3991 / 6
Fax: (971) 403 2718
See United Kingdom
Microsoft OY
Phone: (358) (90) 525 501
Fax: (358) (90) 522 955
Technical Support:
Phone: (358) (90) 525 502 500
Microsoft FaxSvar: (46) (0) 8-752 29 00
(Information in Swedish and English)
Microsoft BBS: (46) (0) 8-750 47 42
(Information in Swedish and English)
Microsoft MSDL: (358) (90) 455 03 66
Microsoft FastTips: (358) (90) 525 502 550
For Technical Support, please contact your local reseller.
Microsoft France
Phone: (33) (1) 69-86-46-46
Fax: (33) (1) 64-46-06-60
Telex: MSPARIS 604322
Technical Support:
Phone: (33) (1) 59-85-96-33 (Province) / 33 3 49 49 49 57(2)
Fax: (33) (1) 69-28-00-28
Fax Information Service: (33) (1) 36-70-13-13
French Polynesia
See France
Microsoft GmbH
Phone: 089/3176-0
Fax: 089/3176-1000
Telex: (17) 89/83 28 MS GMBH D
Information: 089/3176 1199
CompuServe: GO MSEURO (Microsoft Central Europe)
Bulletin board service, device drivers, tech notes:
Btx: *microsoft# or *610808000#
Standard Support: Installation and Handling
Windows 95: 089/3176-1115
General information about Microsoft support in Central Europe:
Fax: 02622/167006
Microsoft Hellas, S.A.
Phone: (30) (1) 6806-775 through (30) (1) 6806-779
Fax: (30) (1) 6806-780
Technical Support:
Phone: (30) (1) 9247-030
Fax: (30) (1) 9215-363
Hong Kong
Microsoft Hong Kong Limited
Fax: (852) 2560-2217
Product support FaxBack Service: (852) 2535-9293
Microsoft Club Hotline: (852) 2804-4277
Technical Support: (852) 2804-4222
Microsoft Hungary
Phone: +36 (1) 268-1668
Fax: +36 (1) 268-1558
Technical Support: +36 (1) 267-4636 (2MSINFO)
See Denmark
Microsoft India
Phone: (011) (91) (80) 509 2678, (011) (91) (11) 646 0767, 646 0813
Fax: (011) (91) (80) 509 2601, (011) (91) (11) 647 4714
Indonesia (SP)
Microsoft Indonesia - Jakarta
Technical Support
Phone: 62 21 5721060
Fax: 62 21 5732077
See United Kingdom
Microsoft Israel Ltd.
Phone: 972-3-613-0833
Fax: 972-3-613-0834
Microsoft SpA
Phone: (39) (2) 7039-21
Fax: (39) (2) 7039-2020
Microsoft by Fax (Fax-on-demand service):
(39) (2) 70-300-703
Dealer Support (Customer Service for resellers only):
(39) (2) 70-398-388
Bulletin Board Service: (39) (2) 7030-0102
Technical Support: (39) (2) 70-398-351
Microsoft Consulting Service: (39) (2) 7039-2400
Microsoft Rome Office: (39) (6) 5432-497
Microsoft Company Ltd.
Technical Support (Standard Support): (81) (424) 41-8700
Technical Support options/ Support Contract:
Phone: 0120-37-0196 (toll free domestic only)
Customer Service Phone:
(Version upgrade/Registration)
Phone: (81) (48) 226-5500
Fax: (81) (48) 226-5511
Microsoft CH
Phone: (82) (2) 531-4500
Fax: (82) (2) 531-1724
Customer Service: 080-022-7337 (toll free domestic only)
Technical Support:
Windows Technical Support: (82) (2) 563-0054
Microsoft FastTips: (82) (2) 3453-7555
Latin America
Microsoft Latin American Headquarters (U.S.A.)
Phone: (305) 489-4800
Fax: (305) 491-1616
Customer Service: (425) 936-8661
Technical Support: (214) 714-9100
See Switzerland (German speaking)
Microsoft NV
Phone: +32-2-730 39 11
Microsoft Information Center: +32-2-481 52 52
CompuServe: +32-2-215 05 30 (GO MSBEN)
Bulletin Board Service: +32-2-726 85 45
(1200/2400/9600/14400 Kbaud, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, ANSI)
Technical Support:
+32-2-513 32 74 (Dutch speaking)
+32-2-502 34 32 (English speaking)
+32-2-513 22 68 (French speaking)
Malaysia (SP)
Microsoft (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd:
Phone: (60-3) 793-9595
Fax: (60-3) 791-6080
Microsoft México, S.A. de C.V.
Technical Support:
(Applications and Operating Systems)
(52) (5) 325-0912
Customer Service: (52) (5) 325-0911
Fast Tips: (52) (5) 237-4894
(24 hours x 365 days service)
Bulletin Board Service:
(52) (5) 628-6200
(2400s/14400 Kbaud, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, ANSI)
(52) (5) 628-6202
(14400 Kbaud, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, ANSI)
User: MSMEXICO, NO Password
Microsoft Afrique Du Nord
Phone: (212) 2 47 10 72
Fax: (212) 2 47 10 86
Microsoft BV
Phone: 023-5689189
Customer Service: 023-5677700
CompuServe: 020-6880085 (GO MSBEN)
Bulletin Board Service: 023-5634221
(1200/2400/9600/14400 Kbaud, 8 bits, no parity, 1stop bit, ANSI)
Technical Support:
023-5677877 (Dutch speaking)
023-5677853 (English speaking)
New Zealand
Microsoft New Zealand Ltd.
Phone: 64 (9) 358-3724
Fax: 64 (9) 358-3726
Technical Support:
Phone: 64 (9) 357-5575
Fax: 64 (9) 307-0516 and 357-5577
Northern Ireland
See United Kingdom
Microsoft Norway AS
Phone: (47) (22) 02 25 00
Fax: (47) (22) 95 06 64
Product Support: (47) (22) 02 25 50
Microsoft BBS: (47) (22) 18 22 09
(Document 404040 in FaxSvar contains detailed instructions)
Microsoft FaxSvar: (47) (22) 02 25 70
Microsoft MSDL: (47) (22) 18 22 09
Microsoft FastTips: (47) (22) 02 25 70
Papua New Guinea
See Australia
See Argentina
See Latin America
Philippines (SP)
Microsoft Philippines
Phone: 632 811 0062
Technical Support:
Phone: 632 892 2295 / 2495
Fax: 632 813 2493
Microsoft Sp. z o.o.
Phone: +(48-22) 661-54-00
Fax: +(48-22) 661-54-34
Information Service: +(48-22) 628-69-24
Technical Support: +(48-22) 621-67-93
Microsoft Portugal MSFT, Lda.
Phone: (351) 1 4409200
Fax: (351) 1 4412101
Technical Support:
Standard Support (All Clusters):
(351) 1 4409280, -81, -82, or -83
Fax: (351) 1 4411655
Republic of China
Microsoft Taiwan Corp.
Phone: (886) (2) 504-3122
Fax: (886) (2) 504-3121
Technical Support: (886) (2) 508-9501
Republic of Ireland
See United Kingdom
Microsoft A/O
Fax: (+7) (502) 224 50 45
Saudi Arabia
Microsoft Saudi Arabia
Phone: +966-1-488-1165
Fax: +966-1-488-1576
Technical Support:
(Personal Operating System and Desktop Applications):
Phone: 800-124 0500
(toll free within Saudi Arabia)
Fax: 966-1-4740576
See United Kingdom
Microsoft Singapore Pte Ltd
Phone: (65) 337-6088
Fax: (65) 337-6788
Customer Services:
Phone: (65) 433-5488
Fax: (65) 339-9958
Product Support Services:
Phone: (65) 337-9946
Fax: (65) 337-6700
Microsoft d.o.o. (see Germany also)
Phone: +386 61 1881 133
Fax: +386 61 1881 137
Technical Support:
+386 61 123 23 54 or +386 64 331 020
Slovak Republic
Microsoft Slovakia s.r.o.
Phone: (+42) (7) 37 63 02
Fax: (+42) (7) 37 66 71
Technical Support: (+42) (7) 31 20 83
South Africa
Microsoft South Africa
Phone: (27) 11 445 0000
Fax: (27) 11 445 0046
Technical Support:
(Toll Free): 0 802 11 11 04
(Toll): (27) 11 445 0000
Fax: (+27) 11 445-0343
South East Africa and Indian Ocean Islands
See South Africa
Microsoft Iberia SRL
Phone: (34) 1-807-9999
Fax: (34) 1-803-8310
Technical Support: (34) 1-807-9960
Customer Service: (34) 1-804-0096
FaxBack telephone: (34) 1-804-0096
Microsoft AB
Phone: (46) (0) 8-752 56 00
Telex: 8126132 MICRAB AB
Fax: (46) (0) 8-750 51 58
Product Support: (46) (0) 8 -752 09 29
Microsoft BBS: (46) (0) 8-750 47 42
(Document 202020 in FaxSvar contains detailed instructions)
Microsoft FaxSvar: (46) (0) 8-752 29 00
Information on Technical Support: (46) (0) 8-752 09 29
Microsoft MSDL: (46) (0) 8-750 47 42
Microsoft FastTips: (46) (0) 8-752 29 00
Microsoft AG
Phone: 01-839 61 11
Fax: 01-831 08 69
CompuServe: GO MSEURO (Microsoft Central Europe)
Phone: 155 59 00
Fax: 064-224294, Microsoft Info-Service, Postfach, 8099 Zürich
Standard Support: Installation and Handling
Windows 95: 01-342-4085
Microsoft Software for Apple Macintosh: 01-342-4081
Technical support (French speaking): 022-738 96 88
General information about Microsoft Support in Central Europe:
Fax: 0049/2622/167006
Microsoft (Thailand) Limited
Phone: (662) 266-3300
Fax: (662) 266-3310
Product Support:
Phone: (662) 613-7208 through 11
Fax: (662) 613-7198
Microsoft Turkey
Phone: 90 (212) 258 59 98
Fax: 90 (212) 258 59 54
Support Hotline:
Phone: 90 (212) 258 96 66
Fax: 90 (212) 258 95 99
Bulletin Board Service: 90 (212) 227 93 90
United Kingdom
Microsoft Limited
Fax: (0870) 60 20 100
Phone: (0870) 60 10 100
Microsoft KeyData:
(Bulletin Board Service)
(0870) 50 30 200 (up to 28.8 Kbaud, no parity, 8 bits, 1 stop bit)
Microsoft KeyFax:
(FaxBack Information Service)
(0870) 50 30 100
Telephone Support:
Personal Operating Systems: (0870) 50 10 100
Minicom Line: (0870) 50 30 400
Technical Support: (598) (2) 77-4934
Corporation MS 90 de Venezuela S.A.
Information: (582) 265-2250
Fax: (582) 265-0863 / (582) 265-2611
Technical Support: (582) 264-1933
See United Kingdom