refsheet.txt The Isle of Four Winds: Rune War Copyright ©1997 Arcanium Productions. All Rights Reserved. This document contains a quick reference guide to help you play The Isle of Four Winds: Rune War Demo, Version 1.1 Hotkeys and Functions Reference Sheet Press ESC at any time to return to the Main Menu. MahJong Phase Hotkeys: i: Will toggle the information screen on or off. (Rune War only) v: Will toggle the map on and off. (Rune War only) s: Will toggle the spell casting box on and off. (Rune War only) p: Will pong the current discarded rune. c: Will chow the current discarded rune. k: Will kong the current discarded rune or a foursome in your hand. g: Will call game and claim victory assuming you have the possibility to win. pause: Will pause the game.(functional in any phase) alt+tab:Will pause and minimize the game.(functional in any phase) arrows: 1/Using thaese keys on your turn will cycle the cursor through your rune hand. 2/Using these keys when chowing a discard will cycle through the chowing options in your hand, assuming you have multiple choices. You must select the first rune of the sequence you wish to meld. space: Will pass on the current discard, and bypass the timer. pause: Brings up the pause screen. Scoring Screen Hotkeys: backspace: Press backspace to see the MahJong screen as it was when game was called. ENTER or left-click: Start next phase. Map Phase Functions: (Rune War only) view: Right click on any territory or creature and its information will appear in the information box at the far right side of the map. Right clicking on a flag that is situated at the front of any player's army line will display the wizard controlling that clan. toggle move: When a creature is able to move it is outlined by a green cursor. You may toggle this on or off by left clicking on the creature. This will allow you to move creatures that sit in the same army line to different destinations. If you wish to move the entire army line then each creature's movement cursor must be active. movement: A creature or creatures in the same army line outlined by a green movement cursor may be moved. This is done by left clicking and holding on the territory the creature or creatures are contained in, then dragging and releasing the mouse when at the desired destination. Note: you may only move into an adjacent territory. Therefore creatures with two movement must repeat the above process. swap: Left click and hold on the desired target, then drag on top of creature you wish to swap positions with and release the mouse button. This is to organize the order of your army within a territory. dismiss: Left click on the dismiss button located at the bottom-right corner of the map screen to activate the dismiss function. Select a target to dismiss and double left click on it. It will be removed from your forces. If you decide this is a mistake, simply left click on the undo button and that creature will return. Note: this will also undo all that you have done that turn. undo: Left click on this button to reset the map phase of that turn. All movement and land claims done on this turn will be undone, and you can do them over. Note: this will not reset the timer. gate: Gate is a power unique to Carol the Great. It functions as follows: Carol can teleport herself and or units in her territory to any friendly territory containing a summoning circle including the tower territory. To move the entire line simply left click and hold, making sure the green movement cursors are active, then move the cursor to the desired destination, remembering it must contain a friendly summoning circle, and release. You may select a creature from an army line to gate by toggling their movement cursor on and off. Note: Carol does not have to move herself, and gating a creature requires one movement point for that creature.