@STARTUP 3 Shandalar Materializing... Will you ...\n Save\n Load\n Quit\n See/Edit Deck(F1)\n See Map(F2)\n See City List(F3)\n See Dungeon Clues(F4)\n See Stats(F5)\n See Wiz Stats(F6)\n Enter Your Name @SHUTDOWN 1 Ready to Quit?\n No.\n Yes.\n @DIRECTIONS 4 North East South West @WORLDMAGIC 1 WORLDMAGIC:\n @WORLDMAGIC_NAMES 12 Sleight of Hand Haggler's Coin Conjurer's Will Amulet of Swampwalk Leap of Fate Tome of Enlightenment Quickening Fruit of Sustenance Staff of Thunder Dwarven Pick Sword of Resistance Ring of the Guardian @WORLDMAGIC_EXPLAINS 12 (A clever duelist can switch\nantes. An ethical one won't.) (Each village and city\noffers more cards for sale.) (Risk one black amulet to\nadjust your deck outdoors.) (The Dragonfly provides a way\nto fly through swamps unslowed.) (Risk one blue amulet to\ninstantly cross any distance.) (The limit on duplicate spells\nin your deck is eased by one.) (Risk one green amulet for a\ntemporary burst of speed.) (In the forests, you gain\nmore food than you can eat.) (Risk one red amulet to\ndestroy the nearest creature.) (Ancient power in this pick\nhastens mountain travels.) (Risk one white amulet to\nreach a city under siege.) (The wizards now need\n5 mana taps to cast Dominion.) @DUNGEON_NAMES 17 Castle Necris Mysthold Wildwood Steading Dragon Mount Citadel of the Sun The Paths of Chronus Ruins of Su-Chan Mound of the Warrior Kings Azar's Crypt Soulchant Monastery Cave of the Ice Worm Dungeons of Graaz Keep Tower of Whim Arjonot's Tomb Altar of the Cyclops Vault of the Maker Lost Mines of Suret @LAIR_NAMES 19 Restless Graveyard Hallowed Ground Active Volcano Faerie Glade Hidden Lagoon Ruined Tower Loremaster's Tower Thieves Hideout Nomad's Bazaar Abandoned Shrine Dragon's Lair Hall of the Sultan Gemcutter's Guild Spectral Arena Pyramids of Aska-tet Lost City of El'Akram Guardian's Ghost Oasis of Muldoon Diamond Mine @CITYNAMES_FORMAT 2 %1 %2 %1 Village @CITYNAMES_FIRSTHALF 16 Amanaxis Andor's Bloodsand Celestine Coldsnap Eloren Hornwall Kraag Mardrake Nevermoor Pyrenian Sahrmal's Shalecliff Unicorn's Windlass Zephyr @CITYNAMES_SECONDHALF 16 Tower Keep Glade Forge Tavern Steading Temple Mill Spire Hall Bazaar Oasis Shrine Haven Hold Sanctum @CITYNAME_VILLAGE 1 Village @CITYNAME_CASTLE 1 Castle @CITYNAME_MANACASTLE 5 Black Castle Blue Castle Green Castle Red Castle White Castle @WIZARDNAMES 5 Black Wizard Blue Wizardess Green Wizard Red Wizardess White Wizard @CREATURENAMES 57 Lair Witch Undead Knight Warlock VampireLord Nether Fiend Necromancer Greater Lich Cleric Priestess Crusader Paladin Arch Angel High Priest Sainted One Seer Merfolk Shaman Conjurer Sea Dragon Shapeshifter Thought Invoker Astral Visionary Druid Elvish Magi Enchantress Forest Dragon Beastmaster Summoner Great Druid Sorceress Sorcerer Troll Shaman Goblin Lord Hydra War Mage Dragon Lord Tusk Guardian Sedge Beast Ape Lord Centaur Shaman Winged Stallion Fungus Master Centaur Warchief Mind Stealer Lord of Fate Elementalist Aga Galneer Alt-A-Kesh Queltosh Saltrem Tor Mandurang Whim Prismat Dracur Kiska-Ra Arzakon Arzakon @CREATURENAME_ARTICLES 57 a a an a a a a a a a a a an a a a a a a a a an a an an a a a a a a a a a a a a a an a a a a a a an an an a a a a a a a an an @CREATURENAMES_PLURAL 57 Lairs Witches Undead Knights Warlocks VampireLords Nether Fiends Necromancers Greater Liches Clerics Priestesses Crusaders Paladins Arch Angels High Priests Sainted Ones Seers Merfolk Shamen Conjurers Sea Dragons Shapeshifters Thought Invokers Astral Visionaries Druids Elvish Maguses Enchantresses Forest Dragons Beastmasters Summoners Great Druids Sorceresses Sorcerers Troll Shamen Goblin Lords Hydrae War Mages Dragon Lords Tusk Guardians Sedge Beasts Ape Lords Centaur Shamen Winged Stallions Fungus Masters Centaur Warchiefs Mind Stealers Lords of Fate Elementalists Aga Galneers Alt-A-Keshes Queltoshes Saltrem Tors Mandurangs Whims Prismats Dracurs Kiska-Rae Arzakon Arzakon @AMULETNAMES 6 amulet black amulet blue amulet green amulet red amulet white amulet @AMULETNAMES_PLURAL 6 amulets black amulets blue amulets green amulets red amulets white amulets @SPELLNAMES 6 %1\n%2 spell black blue green red white @COLORCARDS 6 Colorless cards Black cards Blue cards Green cards Red cards White cards @CARDCLASSNAMES 9 Land Creature Enchantment Sorcery Instant Interrupt Artifact A.creature Game effect @CARDCLASSNAMES_PLURAL 9 Lands Creatures Enchantments Sorceries Instants Interrupts Artifacts A.creatures Game effects @CITYCARDTEXT 49 Colorless cards Colorless land Colorless creatures Colorless enchantments Colorless sorceries Colorless fast effects Colorless artifacts Black cards Black land Black creatures Black enchantments Black sorceries Black fast effects Black artifacts Blue cards Blue land Blue creatures Blue enchantments Blue sorceries Blue fast effects Blue artifacts Green cards Green land Green creatures Green enchantments Green sorceries Green fast effects Green artifacts Red cards Red land Red creatures Red enchantments Red sorceries Red fast effects Red artifacts White cards White land White creatures White enchantments White sorceries White fast effects White artifacts Any cards Any land Any creatures Any enchantments Any sorceries Any fast effects Any artifacts @MANANAMES 5 black blue green red white @LANDWALKS 5 Swampwalk Islandwalk Forestwalk Mountainwalk Plainswalk @CITYSCREEN_BUTTONS 8 Edit deck/Sell cards Buy 10 food for %d gold Leave the village Buy Cards/Card Hints Buy Cards Trade %1 for %2 Begin a Quest Speak to Wise Man @DUNGEON 20 You get %s\nin the next duel!\n +%d (%d) Lives First Move Found This Card Found %d Gold\n Found %d Gold\nand a bag with Jewels:\n%s %d black\n %d blue\n %d green\n %d red\n %d white\n You are unceremoniously booted from\nthe stronghold of the Mighty %s!\n You are unceremoniously booted from\nthe stronghold of the Mighty %s!\n Exit %s in effect. Exploring the Castle...\nyou encounter %s!\n Exploring the Dungeon...\nyou encounter %s!\n \n%1 has the spell %2!s!!\n (%s starts in play!)\n Lost this card @MONSTERLAIR 6 You encounter %s \nGenie guarding a horde\nof valuable spells.\n You encounter %s \nSpectre guarding a horde\nof valuable spells.\n You encounter %s \nDragon guarding a horde\nof valuable spells.\n You encounter %s \nwarily guarding a horde\nof valuable spells.\n Will you...\n Leave quietly.\n Duel the creature.\n Won These Cards\n @LAIR 19 You happen upon a\n%s!\n You get 500 gold!\n Thieves take half your gold!\n You may buy amulets\nfor 200 gold pieces.\n No thanks.\n Buy a %s. (you have %d)\n You find an amulet of each color!\n Thieves take half your amulets!\n For one %1\nI will reveal the deck\nof any %2.\n black creature blue creature green creature red creature white creature Never mind.\n See a deck.\n You may trade your\n%s for five\nextra life in the next duel.\n Never mind.\n Trade for life.\n Whose deck would you like to see?\n Found this card @CAVELIST 1 %1 (%2) @CAVE_SHOWCLUES 23 Creatures: -Contains %s. large black creatures large blue creatures large green creatures large red creatures large white creatures small black creatures small blue creatures small green creatures small red creatures small white creatures Dungeon Rules: -No %s allowed. -One deck for all duels. -No artifacts allowed. -No instants or interrupts allowed. -Life losses carried over. -Remaining life added to next duel. -%s permanently in effect. -No special rules. Location: -%1 of %2. @WISEMAN 19 If you seek the %1,\ntravel %2 to %3.\n If you seek the mana link,\ntravel %1 to %2.\n I see that the people of\n%1 have asked for\na %2.\n You should travel %1\nto %2\nto claim your reward!\n I see that the people of\n%1 have asked you\nto defeat %2.\n The wise man says:\n典he people applaud your brave\nstruggle to free Shandalar from\nthe tyranny of the Five Wizards.\n\n To assist you I shall tell you\na tale of long long ago能n To assist you I shall tell you of the\ndungeons which hold valuable spells.能n To assist you I shall strengthen you\nwith two extra lives in your next duel.能n To assist you I shall fortify you\nwith extra food for you journeys.能n To assist you I shall reveal to you\nthe secret deck of any %s.能n black creature blue creature green creature red creature white creature To assist you I shall provide you a\n%s companion in your next duel.能n To assist you I shall fashion 3 %s\ninto a duplicate of any spell you possess.能n Pick a spell @CITYWISEMAN 13 You failed to complete your\nlast quest for this village.\n\nThe people have no new quest for you.\n Take this message %1 to\nmy brother, the keeper of\n%2. He will reward\nyou with a mana link. He will reward\nyou with a %s. Take a %1 %2\nto the keeper of %3.\n He will give you a mana link\nand 1 %s. Defeat the %s Dragon\nwhich has been menacing\nour village. Defeat the %s\nwhich has been menacing\nour village. Return here\nand I will reward you\nwith 1 %s. Return here\nand I will reward you\nwith %1!d! %2. Return here\nand I will reward you\nwith: %s. \n Accept the Quest.\n Never mind.\n You have %d days\nto complete the quest.\n @VISIT 35 Your ANTE Wizard's ANTE This place is ruled\nby the %s.\n This place is ruled\nby the %s.\n To free the city you must duel this %s\n To free the city you must duel this %s\n Never mind.\n Duel the creature.\n Never mind.\n Duel the creature.\n %s is freed! The people rejoice.\n Lost this card Who dares to challenge the Mighty\n%s? Are you brave\nenough to enter my castle?\n Who dares to challenge the Mighty\n%s? Are you brave\nenough to enter my castle?\n Well... No.\n Yes, enter the castle.\n The Mighty\n%s was crushed in \nepic combat by your aegis!\n The Mighty\n%s was crushed in \nepic combat by your aegis!\n The people of Shandalar\nsing praises in your name!\n The keeper is pleased to\nreceive his brother's letter.\n You create a mana link here.\n You are rewarded with\na fine %s.\n The people are pleased to\nreceive the %s spell.\n You are rewarded with\na fine %s\nand a mana link.\n The people are glad\nto be rid of the\npesky %s.\n The people are glad\nto be rid of the\npesky %s.\n You are rewarded with \n%s of your choice.\n Which card do you seek? Will you take this card...\n Yes\n No\n The village is glad\nto be rid of the\npesky %s.\n The village is glad\nto be rid of the\npesky %s.\n You are rewarded with\n%1!d! fine %2.\n WORLDMAGIC:\n costs %d gold pieces. Travel %1 to %2. To release the WORLDMAGIC\nspell '%1' from \n%2, you must\npay %3!d! gold pieces.\n Will you...\n Never mind\n Pay the gold.\n Insufficient Funds @BUYANYCARD 6 I'll trade you\n%1!d! %2\nfor 1 %3.\n I'll trade you\n%1!d! %2\nfor %3!d! %4.\n I'll trade you\n%1!d! %2\nfor %3!d! gold pieces.\n Do you wish to trade?\n Yes, I'll trade.\n No Thanks\n Hmmm... you can't\nafford this card yet.\n Which card do you seek? @VISIT_CITYBUY 4 Cards for Sale %d gold Buy for %d gold? (Y/N) yY @HINTTEXT 2 The card seller\nsuggests:\n\n的f you combine this\n%1\nwith the\n%2\nyou already have, you can:\n\n The card seller\nnotes:\n\n的f you buy this %s, you can:\n\n @ENCOUNTER_PREDUEL 48 Opponent Ante Your Ante %s ANTE Those who near the stronghold\nof the Mighty %s\nwill be met with the firmest resistance.\nYou must...\n Those who near the stronghold\nof the Mighty %s\nwill be met with the firmest resistance.\nYou must...\n Those who would challenge the\nGreat %1 for\nSupremacy of %2 must...\n Those who would challenge the\nGreat %1 for\nSupremacy of %2 must...\n Those who enter the domain\nof the Mighty %s\nmust pay for the privilege.\nWill you...\n Those who enter the domain\nof the Mighty %s\nmust pay for the privilege.\nWill you...\n The %1 who inhabit the\ndomain of the Mighty %2\ntremble in fear of your visage.\nWill you...\n The %1 who inhabit the\ndomain of the Mighty %2\ntremble in fear of your visage.\nWill you...\n Duel this %s.\n Accept tribute for your mercy?\n Pay %d gold.\n Pay 1 %s.\n Answer a riddle.\n Change ante card.\n I thank you for your mercy granted.\nWould you like...\n A spell from my deck?\n The location of WORLDMAGIC cards?\n Secrets from the %s?\n %d Gold\n 40 Food\n %d %s\n black jewel blue jewel green jewel red jewel white jewel black jewels blue jewels green jewels red jewels white jewels Duel Anyway\n Pick a spell Which WM spell do you seek...\n You have already gathered all of the\nWORLDMAGIC SPELLS!\n %1 may be\nfound in %2.\n You have already destroyed the %s\n Lost this card The Evil %s\nhas sent her\nmost trusted servant to\ntest your strength.\nYou must...\n The Evil %s\nhas sent his\nmost trusted servant to\ntest your strength.\nYou must...\n Why don't you try this deck!\n %1 summons %2!s!!\n %s has Mind Control!\n %s has First Strike!\n %1 has card: %2!s!!\n @ENCOUNTER_POSTDUEL 32 (first clue) (second clue) (third clue) You have defeated the\nslimy %s.\nWill you...\n You have defeated the\nslimy %s.\nWill you...\n Take the cards.\n Take the dungeon clue.\n Won these cards. Won this Amulet. You are an Adequate Apprentice\nsays the %s:\n You are an Adequate Apprentice\nsays the %s:\n You are a Skillful Magician\nsays the %s:\n You are a Skillful Magician\nsays the %s:\n You are a Mighty Sorceress\nsays the %s:\n You are a Mighty Sorceror\nsays the %s:\n You are a Fearsome Wizardess\nsays the %s:\n You are a Fearsome Wizard\nsays the %s:\n You get your lives (%d)\ncarried over to the next duel. You get +%d lives in next duel. TELEPORTED! You won card: %s You get first move\nin the next duel. You get %s in the next duel. You get Extra FOOD! You get any card of your choice!\n You get a duplicate card\nof your choice!\n Pick a card You get Extra GOLD! Lost this card The people are disappointed\nyou could manage no better than a draw\nagainst the slimy %s. The people are disappointed\nyou could manage no better than a draw\nagainst the slimy %s. Better Luck Next Time!\n Note:\nYour magic bag only holds 500 spells\nand you currently have %d\n @CASTLEWIN 11 You have defeated the dreaded\n%s. No longer shall\nher evil creatures oppress\nthe good people of Shandalar.\n You have defeated the dreaded\n%s. No longer shall\nhis evil creatures oppress\nthe good people of Shandalar.\n freed!\n You may take any three\ndifferent %s.\n Pick a card - %d left Will you take this card...\n Yes\n No\n You have defeated all five wizards!\nShandalar is free!\nPrepare to face the final challenge.\n Your battles so far will banish the evil\nPlaneswalker Arzakon for %d years.\n Each life it loses in the Final Battle\nwill banish it for 10 additional years.\nGood Luck!\n You have protected the\nplane of Shandalar for\nthe next %d years.\n The people rejoice!\n\nLife is good!\n @QUESTSTATUS 26 %1 attacking\n%2!s!!\n\n Next Duel: +%d lives -%d lives First Move black mana stone: blue mana stone: green mana stone: red mana stone: white mana stone: Mana Link\n Return to\n%s Take letter to\n%s Take card to\n%s Go North to\n%s Go East to\n%s Go South to\n%s Go West to\n%s Find a %1\n%2 spell\n black blue green red white Defeat %s The people of %s\nare sorry their quest\nwas not completed.\n @QUESTFAILED 6 You have no power for even an Ante!\n\n Your Righteous Quest has Failed\n\n The Evil Planeswalker Arzakon\nand his Minion the\nEvil %s\nhave attained Dominion over the plane of Shandalar\n\n The Evil Planeswalker Arzakon\nand his Minion the\nEvil %s\nhave attained Dominion over the plane of Shandalar\n\n The Evil Planeswalker Arzakon\nand his Gruesome Minions\nhave worn you down\n\n The people will suffer\na thousand more years of their oppression\nbefore another Savior shall rise up from amongst them\nto challenge the great Arzakon and his Slimy Minions\n @NEWSFLASH 11 --- NEWS FLASH ---\n\n %1 sends %2\nto attack %3!s!!\n In retaliation for your effrontery\nthe Great %1 sends %2\nto attack %3!s!!\n In retaliation for your effrontery\nthe Great %1 sends %2\nto attack %3!s!!\n The Evil %1\ntaps %2!s!!\n The Evil %1\ntaps %2!s!!\n She needs %d more\nmana taps to cast\nthe Spell of Dominion!\n He needs %d more\nmana taps to cast\nthe Spell of Dominion!\n She casts the spell of Dominion\n He casts the spell of Dominion\n Your mana tap here is lost.\n @LOGSTRINGS 16 Completed quest at %s Visited %s Freed %s Saved %s Defeated %s Lost to %s Explored %s Defeated %1 (%2) Entered %1 (%2) Discovered a %s Bought WM: %s Acquired spell: %s JUMP! SPEED! THUNDERED on: %s! Went to aid of\n%s @RIDDLE 17 What is the power rating of\nthe %s What is the toughness of\nthe %s What is the total casting cost\nof the %s What special ability does\nthe %s have?\n Swampwalk\n Islandwalk\n Forestwalk\n Mountainwalk\n Plainswalk\n Flying\n Banding\n Trample\n First Strike\n Regeneration\n Correct! WRONG Which of these spells\nhas a power of %d?\n Which of these spells\nhas a toughness of %d?\n Which of these spells\nrequires %1!d! %2 and %3!d! colorless mana to cast?\n Which of these spells\nhas flying ability?\n Which of these spells\nhas %s ability?\n Which of these spells\nhas regeneration ability?\n Which of these spells\nhas banding ability?\n Which of these spells\nhas first strike ability?\n Which of these spells\nhas trample ability?\n WRONG. Correct is: @STATS 9 Wizard's\nCastles\nConquered World\nMagics Cities Saved Cities Recovered Quest Record Overall Won/Loss Attempts at\nEach Castle Dungeon Treasures Record vs the Creatures of Shandalar @SHOWDECK 3 F1: all cards, F2: active cards, F3: inactive cards, F5: ANALYZE Sell %1 for %2 gold? (Y/N) yY @ANALYZE 17 (%d cards) Total Black Blue Green Red White Land Fast creatures Large creatures Enchantments Sorceries Fast effects Artifacts Common: Uncommon: Rare: @BROWSE 17 Colorless Black Blue Green Red White Land Summon Enchantment Sorcery Instant Interrupt Artifact Common Uncommon Rare Unique @LOADSAVE 3 Save Game Files\n Load Game Files\n (Empty) @PLAYERNAMES 14 Melody Whisp Sir Van Popple Muriallisa Goya Lady Dragetta Ali of Willoshire Snow Blight Baba Bue Dina bin-Barq Inniscor Gauldron Agnosia Wu Wei Keleena @DIFFICULTYLEVELS 4 Apprentice Magician Sorcerer Wizard