Put all the .bmp files, the 1996.bat and gp2jam.exe in gp2\gamjams. Run 1996.bat. Del f1gstate.*. Put gp2chnum.exe in your gp2 directory, and run it. Put these numbers in the order that I have typed them, 5 2 23 10 27 28 7 6 20 15 24 25 14 4 19 11 26 12 8 9 1 3 29 30 31 32 33 34. Make sure they are entered in this order. Load up 1996.nam when you enter the game. Find the team that Says Your Team and Select your team Name and then put in you Name where it says your name. Also I included a blank .bmp that you can edit. The converter is on http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/tkellaway/gp2.htm. Use it to convert back to .jam file. When you convert it convert it to larrous.jam as that is the file the game uses to indentify your car. The two teams that were formerly Simtek, and Pacific are completely white cars and have No Driver as the Name. They should run at the back of the pack almost always. And the car you are driving is blank also. I will update this set as the real F1 season goes on. Thanks go out to the following people. Trevor Kellaway for the .jam converter that allows us to have the new paintjobs. Djordje Janjusevic for the number changer. PK Arnall for the all of the 1996 car paintjobs. Thank you for downloading this set. Send any comments, complaints or praises :-) to dknauber@mail.erols.com Robert Knauber dknauber@mail.erols.com Addison Racing Co-Owner