Cure for Necrosis "For the Pancreator has smiled upon thee, and has ordained us to proffer this manna and distribute it among the suffering; and when thou takest it into thy bodies and recite the holy phrase "UZ-OBLEN," the Pancreator's mote-angels shall descend upon thee and, with beneficent caresses, shall abjure thee of thy sickness. And the demons that have wasted thy lands shall be banished into the outer dark from whence they came. And thou shalt anoint one another with fragrant oils and praise the Pancreator with loud rejoicing, and thou shalt cause the temples to be thrown open, and let the smell of burnt offerings permeate the skies." from the Testament of Byzael, Book Two (Many of my more sentimental colleagues are overfond of this story, shedding merciful tears as they contemplate the Pancreator's bounty. I certainly appreciate this rustic sentiment, but must needs wonder: Can one so readily dispel the work of demons without in truth being in league with them?)