Warcraft 2: Tides of Darkness
Note to unregistered users!
Text covering the last 3 levels for both humans and orcs, as well as the
multiplayer and custom level sections are available only to registered users
of their UHS reader. Check your UHS reader for more information on how to
enable these hints if you cannot access them.
Subject: About this UHS File
Text: About the shareware version
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Subject: Humans
Text: Scout Tower
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Text: Guard Tower
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Text: Cannon Tower
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Text: Shipyard
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Text: Foundry
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Text: Oil Refinery
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Text: Oil Platform
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Subject: Spells
Text: Slow
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Text: Invisibility
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Text: Blizzard
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Text: Polymorph
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Text: Upgrade Chart
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Subject: Orcs
Subject: Spells