How do I save the girl?
Hint 1 of 14:
You will have to hide her somewhere.
Hint 2 of 14:
Everything you need can be found in this timeplace.
Hint 3 of 14:
The dates are in an urn. Maybe you can use the urn.
Hint 4 of 14:
Buy the dates from the vendor. (See previous question.)
Hint 5 of 14:
You can't carry the urn by yourself. A little help might be nice.
Hint 6 of 14:
What (not who) can help you?
Hint 7 of 14:
Get the mule from the house. (See question in this section.)
Hint 8 of 14:
Take him to the urn, and the vendor will help you load up.
Hint 9 of 14:
Go back to the house and empty the urn to put the girl in.
Hint 10 of 14:
Oops ... you'll have to take the mule outside or he'll eat the dates.
Hint 11 of 14:
You'll still need to cover the girl up.
Hint 12 of 14:
What better cover than what was in the urn already?
Hint 13 of 14:
Put the dates back in the urn.
Hint 14 of 14:
Those extra dates will be a giveaway. Remember the hungry mule?