Card Puzzle (Bedroom on Right)
Hint 1 of 12:
Trial and error seems to be the best way to start with this puzzle. Try
things that look good, and then modify your moves until you've flipped all
of the cards. Don't forget that you can skip cards as described in the rules
Hint 2 of 12:
I'm going to use the standard grid to describe the cards that I described at
the start of this UHS file. The row at the top is "1" and the column on the
left is "A".
Hint 3 of 12:
In the first puzzle, try starting on D2. (The only card on the top row is
C1 -- there are two columns to the left of it.)
Hint 4 of 12:
You'll eventually want to jump over the card C2, so try looking for a
solution that will let you do that.
Hint 5 of 12:
And you'll need to jump over B3.
Hint 6 of 12:
Then move to C2, B2, B3, B4, and C4.
Hint 7 of 12:
D4, D3, E3, E5, and A5.
Hint 8 of 12:
A3, C3, and C1 to finish.
Hint 9 of 12:
Now on to the second puzzle. You don't need to jump over any cards -- just
over empty spaces -- to solve this one (although you probably can jump over
the cards if you want to).
Hint 10 of 12:
Start at F3.
Hint 11 of 12:
B3, B4, E4, E2, B2.
Hint 12 of 12:
B1, A1, A5, B5, C5.