How do I get past Tuskin?

Hint 1 of 12:
Have you learned about the food dispenser yet?

Hint 2 of 12:
Try getting a box of food from it (use Kirk on it) and then use the box of
food on the medical table for an analysis.

Hint 3 of 12:
The food is drugged.

Hint 4 of 12:
Perhaps Tuskin needs some of that drugged food.  Deliver it to him.

Hint 5 of 12:
In the attempt, at least you'll learn that Tuskin only takes food from Moll.

Hint 6 of 12:
So try getting Moll to help you.  But she has to get over her depression
first.  See another question in this section for more information.

Hint 7 of 12:
Once Moll is feeling better, talk to her and she'll offer to deliver anything
that you ask her to.  Give her the food.
