How can I get the chalkboard?
Hint 1 of 8:
Before you can try taking it, you need to know why it's important.
Hint 2 of 8:
Use your science tricorder on it to detect unusual energy readings.
Hint 3 of 8:
Then talk to the teacher about the board.
Hint 4 of 8:
You need a letter from the superintendent before you can take it.
Hint 5 of 8:
And the superintendent isn't going to give the board up without a reason.
Hint 6 of 8:
Eckhart will suggest that the publisher, Sundergard (one of the poker players
in the tavern), might start a rumor about chalkboards for you. Go talk to
Eckhart to get the full story.
Hint 7 of 8:
Sundergard wants you to help get a transfer for his son.
Hint 8 of 8:
You'll have to go to the armory to get one. I've covered how to get a
transfer in another question.