How can I help Brother Chub?
Hint 1 of 8:
The first thing you should do is check on his medical condition.
Hint 2 of 8:
Use the medical tricorder on him. McCoy will step in to examine the man.
Hint 3 of 8:
Brother Stephen will give you some information that might be helpful.
Hint 4 of 8:
Go get some of those berries from the cave.
Hint 5 of 8:
If you're having problems with the Klingons, see another question in this
section for more information.
Hint 6 of 8:
Once you have the berries, use them on Brother Stephan, and you'll be told
how to use the synthesizer in the room next door.
Hint 7 of 8:
Put the berries in the machine to make the medicine.