About this UHS file...

Who wrote this file?
Robert Norton wrote the Universal Hint System hint file for Space Quest 6 -
the Spinal Frontier. 
If you have any comments or suggestions, contact me at 70017,1765 on
CompuServe or by snail mail at:
  Robert Norton, 706 Copeland St., Madison, WI  53711.
This file is copyright 1995 by Robert Norton, all rights reserved.  This file
may be distributed freely to non-comercial BBSs.  Editing or converting this
file is not permitted.

Who designed the UHS?
Jason Strautman created the original concept of the Universal Hint System.
Jason and I (Bob Norton) developed the UHS 91a and 95a formats, and we have
authored several hint readers and many hint files.

How can I author a UHS file?
Contact Jason Strautman for instructions:
  AOL JStrautman
  CIS [72337,2611]
  Internet jstrautman@aol.com  
You will need the most recent UHS compiler, and clearance to avoid
duplicating another author's efforts.

Who wrote Space Quest 6?
Space Quest 6 is another fine product of the Sierra On-Line, Inc. software