The Right side of Karamoon
Hint: What do I do now that I am back at the Pygmies?
Hint: There is this thin piece of Grass, what should I do with it.
Hint: There is this big creature here, what should I do
Hint: There is this green column, and I can't get around it.
Author's Note
Now I recommend for you to enter the caverns, whose entrance is under the
Thin Green Grass.
Hint: What should I have before entering the caverns?
Hint: There is this goblin that I can't kill, how do I kill it?
Hint: There are these spikes that keep killing me, how do I ditch them.
Hint: There is a locked door, and there is a lever on the other side?
Hint: What do I do now?
Hint: OK, I am now captured thanks to your stupid hints, Thanks a lot, pal!
Hint: OK, I saved the prisoner, NOW WHAT!
Hint: What about the prisoners they go running off?
Hint: Is there anything left to do in the caverns?
Hint: What do I do after I get back to the surface?
Hint: There are 2 stones next to each other, one turns into a monster.
Hint: There is this bridge, and there is this tall monster after it.
Hint: What should I do when I reach the Old Man
Hint: What Now?
Hint: I see this snail, what should I do?