How can I destroy the generator
Hint 1 of 9:
Follow Katakotl's directions to get there.
Hint 2 of 9:
1) Start by walking onto the south central teleport plate.
Hint 3 of 9:
2) Then go due east, past some pillars, through a small hall.
Hint 4 of 9:
3) Next go south, and keep your left hand on the wall.
Hint 5 of 9:
4) Follow the twists and turns, keeping your left hand on the wall.
Hint 6 of 9:
5) You will come to another teleport plate, and you should use it.
Hint 7 of 9:
6) Go southwest and you will find a wall, use the doors in it.
Hint 8 of 9:
7) The control panel is at the center of the southern wall.
Hint 9 of 9:
Attack the control panel from a distance, or let Yunapotli do it.