Hint: Using The Sorcerer's Appliance?
Hint: How do I make an animal?
Hint: Where and when is the party?
Hint: How do I prevent Professor Tickingclock from dying ?
Hint: How do I get past the TKB bouncers?
Hint: How do I get the partygoers to jump in the pool ?
Hint: How come the moodhorn doesn't work ?
Hint: What potion do I need ?
Hint: How do I make a squirrel barf ?
Hint: Where can I make the potion ?
Hint: What about the small key?
Hint: How can I hear Chris and Hiddenmolar's conversation in the pub?
Hint: How do I get past the bork to Esmerelda in the simulation?
Hint: What about the rotting stump in the simulation?
Hint: How do I get out of the Shrine's Treasury in the simulation?
Hint: How do I prevent the bork from removing my face in the simulation?