East Shanbar
Hint: Where should I go first?
Hint: I need more money!
Subject: Moodock's Armory
Subject: The Blacksmith
Hint: How do I solve the tile puzzle?
Subject: The Inn
Subject: Ben Fisher
Hint: What is this Fool's Memorial for?
Hint: How do I translate this joke book?
Subject: Pugney's Ranch
Subject: Snoot's Farm
Subject: The Incinerator
Subject: The General Store
Subject: Witch's Hut
Hint: How do I get past the Creeping Bogs?
Subject: The Comedy Club
Subject: Forest of Spirits
Hint: How do I avoid getting killed by the vultures in the Vulture Pits?
Subject: Whispering Woods
Subject: Canuk's Hut
Subject: Bel Naire Temple
Subject: Dwarven Mines
Subject: Ancient Ruins After The Mines
Subject: Troll Caverns
Hint: Where do I use the forged disc of Frobozz?
Subject: The Citadel of Zork