How do I restore the Guardian?
Hint 1 of 27:
She needs to drink a potion made from a quartz flower
Hint 2 of 27:
Grow a quartz flower
Hint 3 of 27:
Fetch water from the fountain
Hint 4 of 27:
Clear the lichen away from the fountain and follow the coded
instructions to operate the fountain
Hint 5 of 27:
Wet the rag in the water and wipe the eyes of the statue
Hint 6 of 27:
Use pollen on one of the eyes
Hint 7 of 27:
You need to distill the potion from the flower
Hint 8 of 27:
Make a fire
Hint 9 of 27:
Using wood
Hint 10 of 27:
And lichen
Hint 11 of 27:
On the hearth
Hint 12 of 27:
Get the amphora and place it on the hearth