How do I cross the sea?
Hint 1 of 17:
You have the hull and an oar
Hint 2 of 17:
Try sailing!
Hint 3 of 17:
Build a sailing boat
Hint 4 of 17:
You need a mast, a sail, a rudder, arches and floats
Hint 5 of 17:
Cut a mast from the bamboo
Hint 6 of 17:
Using the sword
Hint 7 of 17:
Use the oar as a rudder
Hint 8 of 17:
Use the hammer on the boat ribs to create arches
Hint 9 of 17:
Use coconuts in the lobster traps as floats
Hint 10 of 17:
Shake the palm tree to make the coconuts fall down
Hint 11 of 17:
Use a spider's web for the sail
Hint 12 of 17:
Bribe the spider to get the web!
Hint 13 of 17:
Feed the spider
Hint 14 of 17:
Fish for the spider food
Hint 15 of 17:
Use the fishing net in the sea