What do I do with the painting?
Hint 1 of 9:
First you have to silence Galipo.
Hint 2 of 9:
Once Galipo is asleep, you can look at the painting.
Hint 3 of 9:
There is one thing strange about the painting.
Hint 4 of 9:
Click the mouse on the firing cannon.
Hint 5 of 9:
The painting will descend, revealing a code box.
Hint 6 of 9:
You must enter the code.
Hint 7 of 9:
Where have you seen a code before?
Hint 8 of 9:
If you haven't, see "What do I do with the blotter" above.
Hint 9 of 9:
Enter the code from the ink blotter.