I can't open the door!

Hint 1 of 15:
Try pulling really hard on the handle.

Hint 2 of 15:
No matter how hard you pull, you can't open it.

Hint 3 of 15:
You need outside help.

Hint 4 of 15:
Like a machine, for instance.

Hint 5 of 15:
Have you found the elevator in the strange building yet?  If not, see the
topic on the strange building.

Hint 6 of 15:
The elevator is a machine.

Hint 7 of 15:
If the elevator isn't working yet, it won't be of much help.

Hint 8 of 15:
In other words, fix the elevator before trying this.

Hint 9 of 15:
You need something to connect the elevator to the door.

Hint 10 of 15:
Try using the hose. (see "How do I break the window?" for details)

Hint 11 of 15:
Use the hose on the door handle.
