About this UHS file

Who wrote this file?
Robert Norton, Compuserve ID [70017,1765], wrote this file.
This file is copyright 1995.  This file may not be distributed without
permission, except to BBS's open to the general public.  Editing or
converting this file to any other format is prohibited.

Who designed the UHS?
The Universal Hint System concept was created by Jason Strautman.  Jason and
I updated the file format to the 91a and 95a levels.

How can I write a UHS file?
Contact Jason Strautman for more information, access to the compiler, and to
ensure that nobody else has started work on the same project.  Jason can
be reached at:
Compuserve: [72337,2611]
AOL: JStrautman
Internet: jstrautman@aol.com

Who wrote "The Journeyman Project"?
Presto Studios wrote "The Journeyman Project".  The MPC version was prepared
by Quadra Interactive, Inc.