How do I solve the puzzle here?

Hint 1 of 16:
Think of Indiana Jones a bit.

Hint 2 of 16:
Explore some more to get the idea.

Hint 3 of 16:
You'll need some sort of counter balance.

Hint 4 of 16:
The statue in the main room is heavy.

Hint 5 of 16:
First, break the statue by moving it.

Hint 6 of 16:
Get the head (and the gold cluster).

Hint 7 of 16:
Now, you'll need to open all four chambers.

Hint 8 of 16:
To do this, roll the statue in a direction (Northeast, for example).

Hint 9 of 16:
Go northeast yourself.

Hint 10 of 16:
And counter the balance by dropping the head.

Hint 11 of 16:
Now, the room opposite to it will open (to the southwest).

Hint 12 of 16:
Run in, and get the cluster.

Hint 13 of 16:
Run back up, get the head, and roll the statue SW until it goes as far as it
can go.
