Highmoon and Morningmist Valley
Hint: Where did all of my stuff go?
Hint: How can I get into the city?
Hint: Is there any way to get inside the farmer's cellar?
Hint: How can I help out the ghost?
Hint: How do I use the water wheel?
Hint: How can I operate the farmer's cheese maker?
Hint: Where can I get water for the garden?
Hint: What's happened to all of the people in Highmoon?
Hint: How can I enter the tavern?
Hint: How can I win the shell game in front of the tavern?
Hint: How do I get across the gorge?
Hint: How can I free Marko from jail?
Hint: How can I get myself out of jail?
Hint: Where do I book passage to Volcania?
Hint: Why isn't this ship going where I want it to?