Cheat Codes
Hint 1 of 19:
DNBETA: Shows the message "Pirates Suck!"
Hint 2 of 19:
DNALLEN: Shows the message "Register Major Stryker Today!"
Hint 3 of 19:
DNCOSMO/DNTODD: Shows the message "Register Cosmo Today!"
Hint 4 of 19:
DNVIEW: View Mode, same as F7.
Hint 5 of 19:
DNUNLOCK: Basically triggers all the switches in the level, so almost all
doors open.
Hint 6 of 19:
DNINVENTORY: All available items.
Hint 7 of 19:
DNSHOWMAP: Reveals the entire map.
Hint 8 of 19:
DNKEYS: Yeah, you guessed it--all keys.
Hint 9 of 19:
DNWEAPONS: All available weapons and ammo (no keys or such).
Hint 10 of 19:
DNSTUFF/DNITEMS: All items, keys, and weapons.
Hint 11 of 19:
Hint 12 of 19:
DNHYPER: Unlimited steroids.
Hint 13 of 19:
DNRATE: Displays frame rate.
Hint 14 of 19:
DNCASHMAN: Throw dollar bills with space bar!
Hint 15 of 19:
DNCLIP: Walk through walls (1.1 and higher).
Hint 16 of 19:
DNMONSTERS: Turns off monsters (early versions only).
Hint 17 of 19:
DNSKILL#: Changes skill level. The # is the skill level, from 0 to 3. Skill
level 0 is the equivalent to no monsters.
Hint 18 of 19:
DNDEBUG: Displays programming information.