About this UHS File

How do I write my own UHS file?
Contact Jason Strautman (see the first question for electronic mail
addresses) for more information.  You will also need the most recent
compiler for your computer, and should check to make sure that no one
else is working on a similar file.

What should I know about this file?
There's only one important thing you need to know -- I assume that you will
be able to exchange items between characters via the Chron-O-John, so if
you can't find an item in one inventory, look in the other two.  Only in
situations where items can't be swapped easily do I tell you how to transfer

I can't find hints about the puzzle I'm stuck on!
One problem with writing hints about this game is that some puzzles are part
of a larger puzzle, and it's not always clear where the hints belong.  I
have tried to list only the obvious questions, so you may have to read
other questions (even about a different time) to find answers to your
questions.  The best advice I can give is for you to just move on to other
puzzles that you're stuck on, and read the hints for those puzzles.  The
answers to unlisted questions are bound to show up somewhere else.