Act II
Nested hint: Note about the following hints...
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Nested hint: What happened to the book on dragon summoning?
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Hint: How do I get into L-space?
Nested hint: How do I get into the hideout?
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Hint: How can I get outside the city gate?
Hint: How do I get into the palace?
Nested hint: How can I enter the Shades?
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Hint: How can I get the dunny man's gold?
Nested hint: How do I get the fishmonger's gold?
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Nested hint: And what about the fool's gold?
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Hint: How do I get the chimney sweep's gold?
Nested hint: How can I take the thief's gold?
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Nested hint: How can I take the mason's gold?
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Nested hint: So I have all these items. What next?
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