Where are the maps in the game?
Loonatorium Map
The Loony will give you this map after a few rounds of Spot the Loony
Exploding T.V. Room Map
The map is located under the telly in the corner. Scan the area until you see
a X.
Portrait Gallery Map
With your mouse, scan over the middle picture frame until you find the X.
Corridor Map
This map can be found under the arch on the right side of the corridor. Scan
the area with your mouse until you see a X.
Test Your Skills Map
This map is hidden in the maze, on the lower left leg of the H. Consult the
map in the Test Your Skills section to see where the H is.
Pythonizer Map
This map is also hidden in the maze. Just push the red button at the end of
the middle arm of the E in HEAD.
Consult the map in the Pythonizer section to see where the E is.