What do I need to do here?
Hint 1 of 29:
Save Andromeda, kill an awful monster (Kraken). Not much really.
Hint 2 of 29:
Actually, you don't even need to solve this puzzle.
Hint 3 of 29:
You would miss out on the 50 points, though.
Hint 4 of 29:
One thing you could do is run through the rest of the game, figure
out what items you did not use that clearly must be used from something?
Hint 5 of 29:
I actually found the solution quite by accident. Just playing around
with different things.
Hint 6 of 29:
The name of the Tarot card that got you here is a hint.
Hint 7 of 29:
What do you think a very bright light would do?
Hint 8 of 29:
Okay, I must have set some alarms off with that hint. The question
is do you have the timer?
Hint 9 of 29:
Okay, then you can make the flash work.
Hint 10 of 29:
Load the batteries.
Hint 11 of 29:
Set the timer.
Hint 12 of 29:
Put the flash in the bronze object.
Hint 13 of 29:
Did you save your game?
Hint 14 of 29:
You can't leave, no matter what you do if you leave the flash will
fall out.
Hint 15 of 29:
So don't leave.
Hint 16 of 29:
Good thing Zeus was in a good mood. Now the only problem is, how
do you get all your stuff back.
Hint 17 of 29:
Did you go downstairs, while you were in the lighthouse?
Hint 18 of 29:
Then you saw the beautiful Frieze?
Hint 19 of 29:
In fact by now haven't you seen several paintings, murals, etc.
Hint 20 of 29:
Have you figured out why they are here?
Hint 21 of 29:
Remember the dream, with the mascot?
Hint 22 of 29:
What happened when you tried to take the mascot?
Hint 23 of 29:
Uh, huh. . . the druid, he use a magic word . . .
Hint 24 of 29:
LAGACH. He said LAGACH to the mural.
Hint 25 of 29:
Worth a try, isn't it? Have you experimented with the magic word?
Hint 26 of 29:
You need to have seen (examined) at least one other painting, mural, etc.
for LAGACH to work. There are many such places in the game.
Hint 27 of 29:
In fact the place you end up, after Zeus save you, is one. The mosaic.
Hint 28 of 29:
Now you just need to get some syntax down.
Hint 29 of 29:
Mosaic, Lagach. Or for that matter, object, Lagach.