What about 1:00
Hint 1 of 16:
Find Clarence's body in Wilbur's room or the bathroom.
Hint 2 of 16:
Look at pearl handled dagger which killed Clarence.
Hint 3 of 16:
Search Clarence's body to get the matches.
Hint 4 of 16:
Go to the nymph garden, search base of nymph, put handleon shaft.
Hint 5 of 16:
Turn the nymph statue, light your lantern, and enter secret door.
Hint 6 of 16:
Go forward to hidden basement room, walk to corner. (EEK!)
Hint 7 of 16:
Check the wall, insert the crank and turn, follow second tunnel.
Hint 8 of 16:
Open the "Ruby" vault and get pouch of gems, close the vault.
Hint 9 of 16:
You can unbar the door of the vault to leave.
Hint 10 of 16:
Find the bootprint in the secret passage near Lillian's room.