Playing in a club, ladder, league or tournament

To set up your own knockout tournament:

    Note: Knockout tournaments will only work for fully Wireplay compliant games - ie those that have the Wireplay Logo on the packaging.

  1. On the NOTICEBOARD, click on the 'Clubs & competitions' button.

  2. On the 'Search Set-up' panel, click on the arrow button next to 'Competition type'.

  3. Click on the 'Knockouts' button, then on the 'OK' button.

  4. Click on the 'New' button.

  5. On the KNOCKOUT screen, type in the name of your new knockout tournament.

  6. In the 'Game' box, type in the name of the game you want your league to be based on.

  7. In the 'Club Name' box, type in the name of a club if you want to restrict this tournament to members of that club.

  8. In the 'Max no of entries' box, use the arrow buttons to set the maximum number of players that can enter the tournament.

  9. In the 'Duration of round' box, use the arrow buttons to set the number of days in which each round of the tournament must be played.

  10. To make your new knockout tournament active, click on the 'Save' button.

  11. Or, if you want to forget the whole thing, click on the 'Cancel' button.