When you create a new game proposal, you will receive a number of challenges to play (the 'Challenges received' indicator at the top left-hand corner of the screen will let you know as soon as anyone responds.) Before starting the game, you must accept or reject these challenges and choose which of the game's available features you want to use.
Find your game on the NOTICEBOARD in the usual way. (For further help on finding a particular game, click here. ) If you've just returned to the NOTICEBOARD after creating a new game proposal, it will be the first one on the list.
Click on the game title and then on the 'Locker Room' button. This will take you into the LOCKER ROOM.
Setting game parameters
Some games have different options (or 'parameters') such as Monsters vs No Monsters, Co-operative vs Death Match which can be adjusted in the LOCKER ROOM before starting the game. You will know that this facility is available for a particular game if a set of parameters automatically appears in the 'Parameters' box on the LOCKER ROOM Screen. You should discuss which parameter settings you want to use with fellow players and then adjust them as necessary. Note only the proposer has the ability to adjust parameters. To adjust parameters you should
Click on the game parameter you want to change, then click on the 'Change' button.
Choose the appropriate value for the parameter from the list provided by clicking on your selection and clicking on the 'OK' button in the dialogue box.
The values you choose will be visible to anyone who enters the Locker Room. You may find that some of your challengers suggest changing the game parameters before play commences - if so, it will be up to you to negotiate the final settings.
Accepting or rejecting challenges
Note: If you want to play now and do not get any challengers entering your locker room you may wish to go back to the NOTICEBOARD and check out other proposals. If you do not intend to return to your locker room you should withdraw your proposal before you leave. This will prevent others having the frustration of entering your locker room and being unable to find you because you are playing somewhere else in another game!
Assuming you do receive challenges you should check the names on the Challenger list to see if they are:
In the Locker Room
On-line but not in the Locker Room
Off-line but contactable
Off-line and not contactable
Starting with the 'Off-line but contactable' challengers, click on a name. If you want more details on the challenger, click on the 'Player CV' button.
If you want to accept an 'Off-line but contactable' challenger, click on the relevant name, then click on 'Accept' button. This will cause the system to 'page' the challenger. If the paging is successful, the 'Status' column should soon show the challenger to be on-line and in the Locker Room.
If you want to reject the challenger, click on the 'Reject' button while the relevant name is highlighted.
While you're waiting for off-line challengers to come on-line, repeat steps 3 to 5 for any challengers already in the Locker Room. If you want to 'chat' before accepting or rejecting these challengers, click on the small CHAT BOX window, type a message and press 'Return' on your keyboard.
Your message will appear in the large CHAT BOX window, and any reply will appear below it in the same window.
Ignore any challengers who are not in the Locker Room and not contactable, unless their status changes between now and the scheduled start time.
When you have accepted enough players to start the game, type a message saying you're about to begin.
Click on the 'Start' button and go!
Withdrawing a proposal
You can withdraw a proposal at any time:
If you're not already in the Locker Room, find your game proposal on the NOTICEBOARD or MY DIARY and click on the game title. Then click the 'Locker Room' button to enter the LOCKER ROOM.
Click on the 'Withdraw' button. You'll return to the NOTICEBOARD and your proposal will be removed from the list.