or post your new game proposal onto the NOTICEBOARD as it stands.
To post your new game proposal onto the NOTICEBOARD, click on the 'Create' button. You will get a message telling your propsal has been created. Click on 'Continue' and your proposal will appear at the top of the list. Or, if you want to forget the whole thing, click on the 'Cancel' button.
If you have placed a proposal for a time in the future you may leave a message for any prospective challenger who enters your locker room before the game is due to take place. Just enter the LOCKER ROOM in the normal way and type a short message in the small chat box and hit 'Return'. This will be seen by others entering the LOCKER ROOM, even if you are off line. Propspective challengers will be able to leave responses. You should log on and check your LOCKER ROOM for challenges periodically before the game is due to start.
(Note: you can propose different games beginning at the same time, but as soon as one of these proposals is accepted, you should withdraw all the others.)
For further help on accepting or rejecting challenges, adjusting game parameters and starting your game, click here.
For a quick overview of all the games you have proposed, click on the 'My diary' button on the NOTICEBOARD.