Playing a game now

When you connect to Wireplay, there will normally be a number of games in progress or about to start. (Note: during the trial, few (if any) 'in progress' games will be available, so don't waste too much time looking for them!)

To join a game in progress:

  1. Connect to Wireplay and wait for the NOTICEBOARD screen.

  2. On the NOTICEBOARD, look at the list of game proposals until you find one showing (in progress) to the left of the game title. To view more proposals, click on the Down arrow.

  3. (Note: if there seem to be too many games to choose from, you may want to narrow the selection - click here for further help.)

  4. Check the 'Slots free' column for available places, and the 'Skill level' column for your preferred degree of difficulty.

  5. If you want to find out more about a particular player, click on a name and then click on the 'Player CV' button.

  6. If everything looks good, click on the game title and then click on the 'Locker Room' button to enter the LOCKER ROOM.

  7. In the LOCKER ROOM, click on the 'Join' button and you're in!

  8. (Note: if you can't join the game of your choice, it usually means there's a problem with the game itself - not with Wireplay. Just follow the instructions on Wireplay's rejection message and look on the NOTICEBOARD for another game.)

    For help on challenging for a game that's about to start, click here.