Connecting to Wireplay for the first time

Before reading this section, you should complete the Wireplay technical set-up procedure. If you haven't yet done this, click here.

When connecting to Wireplay for the first time, you need to complete a short registration procedure.

(Note: all trial users will be pre-registered, and can connect to Wireplay without following the procedure described in this section. For further help on this, click here. If you lose your password, or you're having problems connecting, please read the Troubleshooting notes at the end of this section or call the Wireplay Helpdesk on Locall 0345 577577.)

  1. Launch your Wireplay program and wait for the WHO ARE YOU? screen to appear.
  2. Ignoring any names that may already appear on the nickname list, type in the nickname you would like to be known by (you may use up to 15 characters including spaces). If you want to make changes, use Delete or Insert on your keyboard in the normal way.

  3. Click on 'New user' button. Your software will now connect you to Wireplay. This will take 20-30 seconds. You will then see the YOUR DETAILS screen.

  4. In the 'Password' box type in a password of up to eight characters (numbers or letters or both) in the box provided. The password will appear on screen as asterisks and should not be disclosed to unauthorised users.

  5. If you wish, you may also type in:

  6. Of the above details, only your CV will be made available to other Wireplay users. However, your name, address and email address may be used from time to time by BT or other reputable companies to send you information on Wireplay and on special offers, new products or other games-related developments. If you're sure you don't want to receive this information, click on the button provided.
  7. When you're happy that all these details are correct, click on the 'Register' button and wait until you see a WELCOME screen displaying Wireplay connection charges and other service information.
  8. When you've finished with the WELCOME screen, click on the 'Leave' button. This will take you to the Wireplay NOTICEBOARD, and you'll be ready to arrange your first game!


  1. If your modem cannot connect you to Wireplay, there may be a problem with your set-up details. In particular, you should check the text in the 'Initialisation string' box on the SET-UP screen against the initialisation string recommended in your modem's user manual. This is especially important if you selected the 'Hayes compatible' option.

  2. If you choose a nickname that's already being used by someone else, you will be asked to think of an alternative. Simply enter the new nickname in the box provided and click on the 'Retry' button.

  3. If at any point you see a message telling you that certain games on your system are not Wireplay games, it probably means that you haven't entered their details correctly on the SET-UP screen. This won't prevent you from connecting to Wireplay, or from playing the other games on your system - but before playing these 'problem' games, you'll need to consult the individual game data sheets that came with your Wireplay package and correct any mistakes you may have made.

  4. For more help on changing your set-up details, click here.

    For more help on installing and using games with Wireplay, click here.

    If you're currently connected to Wireplay, click here for the latest technical news on game set-ups.