Changing your set-up details
From time to time, you may wish to change some of the technical or personal information you provided when you first registered as a Wireplay user.
Technical details
Changes to your technical details - for example, a new modem or game - must be made before connecting to the service.
- Launch your Wireplay program and wait for the WHO ARE YOU? screen to appear.
- Click on the 'Set up' button.
- On the SET UP screen, type in your new details as required.
- When you're happy that the new details are correct, click on the 'Save' button.
For further help on your technical details, click here.
Personal details
Changes to your personal details - for example, updating your 'CV' or changing your callback number - must be made after connecting to the service.
(Note: you cannot change your nickname or password. If you lose your password, please contact the Wireplay Helpdesk on Locall 0345 577577.)
- On the NOTICEBOARD, click on the 'My diary' button.
- On MY DIARY, click on the 'Change my details' button.
- Type in new details as required.
- If you want Wireplay to be able to notify you of game opportunities even when you're disconnected, enter your phone number in the box provided (this 'callback' number must start with '01' and contain numerical digits only). Entering a number here does not by itself enable Wireplay to call you but if you don't enter a number, it won't be able to call even when you want it to.
- When you're happy that the new details are correct, click on the 'Save' button.
For further help on changing your personal details, click here.