CLUB DEAD - A WALK THRU - 1.1 By Mercury _____________________________________________________________________________ To avoid confusion and posting to my OLD e-mail address, my new address is: What can I say, I got a job. :-) Please send all questions to this address. Mercury. _____________________________________________________________________________ Okay all, this is my second release of this walk thru. This is basically the game as I played it, from start to finish. I've gotten the rooms and times off my PDA and so the times are actually the END time of the encounters. The really important thing is the order in which you to go into the rooms, and what to use as you enter. I've broken it up into days so you need not spoil the entire game if you don't want to. I would like to thank especially Thomas L Hildemann for all his mail helps, we really worked through this together from day 3 onwards, thanks mate. I also want to mention as his hints of the future drove me on. Okay now, down to business. The following lift guide will show you the codes for the walk-thru. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 G 1 Sub-basement Lobby Central Control --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 3 4 Ritchie --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 Lana --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 9 10 Sam Memory Lane --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 12 14 Pods Fantasy Med Lab --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 16 17 Body Station Survey Tikki Lounge --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, most of the time I haven't shown you what to use. If things don't seem to work, try using something logical (or il). You will notice I've included some telefax transmissions. I actually t/f just about everything, but if you do that to 3 dumb things, you lose his help. So, I save, t/f, fast forward to his reply, then load the saved game. Sometimes I didn't bother, which is why they appear here. I also recommend saving after each encounter using names like D1_1320.sav. This makes it easier to correct mistakes. Good luck. Mercury. ........................................................................... ........... D A Y O N E ................................ ........... S P O I L E R W A R N I N G ................................ ........................................................................... 12:25 PM Front desk 1:20 15 1.55 8 2.30 17 3.25 14 4.25 14 4.50 telefax autopsy 5.25 12 6.30 11 6.50 15 7.55 17 8.15 14 8.50 front desk 10.05 10 10.40 3 11.45 11 1.00 am 11 3.05 1 ........................................................................... ........... D A Y T W O ................................ ........... S P O I L E R W A R N I N G ................................ 30/10 9.00 in lift 10.05 16 10.15 telefax transductor 10.20 telefax translator 10.40 14 11.15 3 11.50 17 12.25 pm 15 12.35 telefax photo 1.40 10 2.00 1 2.35 11 2.55 8 4.00 12 4.35 17 4.55 16 5.30 11 5.50 14 6.10 front desk 7.15 15 7.25 telefax eyeball 8.00 1 8.35 shuttle dock 9.10 11 11.15 12 ........................................................................... ........................................................................... ........... D A Y T H R E E ................................ ........... S P O I L E R W A R N I N G ................................ ........................................................................... 9am In my room 9:35am In Lobby (times are end of cut scene times) 9:55am Lana's room 11:00 Memory Lane 11:20 Med Lab 11.55 8 12.30 17 1.35 12 - use disk 2.05 16 2.40 15 3.15 1 - use disk 3.50 11 4.25 14 5.00 11 - use scudders badge 5.20 front desk 5.55 1 6.30 15 7.05 16 8.10 8 9.15 0 - LUMIEL / AC 10.20 11 ........................................................................... ........... D A Y F O U R ................................ ........... S P O I L E R W A R N I N G ................................ ........................................................................... DAY 4 - 1/11 12 midday - in lab, post weird stuff 12:20 Central Control - save Logans life - get kissed! 12:45 Sam's Room - Spencer is there - now he knows me 1:50 Sub basement - Lumiel gives me wedding ring 2:25 Paradox Pod - Nikki vague thing - sure we can do something!!! 2:40 Lana's room - Weird chick dead - get security scans 3:40 Surveillance - use scans - all deaths are due to illusions!! 4:00 Front desk - Comedian Guy acting strange - use something?? 4:20 Med Lab - Get AC picture 4:40 Nightmare Pod - nothing happens - use something?? 5:00 Body Station - President freaking out - use something?? 5:25 Tikki - Give Red De-V shot - save his life! 6:30 Memory Lane - Remembering Alicia Kent 6:50 Innocence Pod - Get V timer (use money) 7:25 Fantasy Room - Use V timer (so you don't die) 8:00 Surveillance 10:55 Sub-basement 10:30 Time Highway Pod 10:30 Take lift to Floor 13 10:30 Floor 13 (use ring) Congratulations, you win. However, I suspect that as you didn't save everyone (ie comedian, Nikki, President and Blue), there is possibly another ending. Also, we didn't get access to all levels. Strange. You'll notice day 4 contains my musings as I was playing, these may help you to determine another ending. If you do, mail me at To further support this theory: "Dear diary, I learned to stop fearing intimacy, love children, and save the world from an evil, brain stealing cyber-babe. So why do I feel so empty?" Mercury - aka Valdi J.V. Gravitis