Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSER LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE Perfect Entertainmenta Discworld II Demoa 1.06a DW2DEMO.EXE Program Files\Discworld II Demo\ Please select a target directorya There os mpt emough space available on the disk Please free up some space or change the target location PROGRAM PROGRAM\% DW2DEMO.EXE Copying Files... General DiscworldIIDeinstKeyA Discworld II Demo DW2DEMO.~XEa DW2DEMO.EXE! Unable to create a directory under b There has been an error during file transfer. File = b Copying Files... CW3220.~LLa CW3220.DLL! Unable to create a directory under b There has been an error during file transfer. File = b Creating Program Folder and Icons... Discworld II Demo< DW2DEMO.EXE Discworld II Demob Uninstall Discworld II Demob TINSEL.INIa Discworld 2a Hard Drivea TINSEL.INIa Discworld 2a Hard Drive Directorya TINSEL.INIa Discworld 2a CD Driveb TINSEL.INIa Discworld 2a CD Directorya \DW2% TINSEL.INIa Discworld 2a Music Volumea TINSEL.INIa Discworld 2a SoundFX Volumea TINSEL.INIa Discworld 2a Voice Volumea TINSEL.INIa Discworld 2a Subtitlesa TINSEL.INIa Discworld 2a No Sounda TINSEL.INIa Memorya Specifya TINSEL.INIa Memorya Minimuma 11264 Installation Complete.* Setup is now going to check for any DirectX installations requirements.A TITLE.BMPA INSTALL.EXEa Installing a* Discworld II - Missing Presumed ...?! Demo Discworld 2 - Missing Presumed ?!A TITLE.BMPA TITLE1.BMPA TITLE2.BMPA Discworld 2 Demo requires VGA or better resolution.A Discworld 2 Demo will only run on Windows95.A 3.00.071