============================================================================= Title : Sleinad's Arena File Name : SLEINAD.WAD For : DOOM II (only the best) Author : Michael Daniels E-mail Address : daniels@cs-labs.cs.byu.edu (until 4-24-96) michael.daniels@technoid.com (after 4-24-96) Works : SLEINAD.WAD (dsc) EKIM.WAD (d ) (d)eathmatch LUAP.WAD (dsc) (s)ingle player RECOGNYZ.WAD (d ) (c)o-op RELLIK.WAD (dsc) NAULLER.WAD (dsc) (D)M collection + DOOM3.WAD (dsc) + 32 levels SEPTAR.WAD (dsc) POOZAR.WAD (d ) XUPKES.WAD (d ) HLEEEH.WAD (d ) DOUGHNUT.WAD (d ) GRYYD.WAD ( sc) PUDWHAKR.WAD (D ) ANGUUL.WAD (dsc) THOMAS.WAD (d ) SPARTZ.WAD (d ) Special Thanks : id Software, for writing the awesome Engine!! Ben Morris, for providing DCK! Everyone who helped me beta test. ============================================================================= * Description * A large arena inhabited by a rather nasty CyberDemon. Mow the PistolGuys down with your machine-gun and then snag the MegaSphere - which lets out a TON of baddies: an Archvile, a couple Aracnotrons, a few Revenants, one or two Mancubus, etc... Good luck! Oh, and since a MAP07 can use the Special Sectors you have to kill the Aracnotrons to let out all the Mancubus and then kill the Mancubus to exit the level. There are even a couple Secrets for you to find... ============================================================================= * Play Information * Episode and Level # : MAP07 Single Player : Tough as nails, but beatable! Cooperative 2-4 Player : GREAT in Co-op... Deathmatch 2-4 Player : You best recognize!!! Skill Levels : All implemented. New Sounds : Nope. New Graphics : Sorry. New Music : Uh... No. Demos (v1.9) : SLEIFAST.LMP - I get 100% kills w/Fast Monsters SLEINITE.LMP - I beat the level in Nightmare Additional Notes : In DM2, this level is best played WITH monsters; the CyberDemon helps convince players NOT to baby-guard the MegaSphere, etc. You should probably use DM1 if you play with three or more people.. We tried it four-player in DM2 and the guns just didn't respawn fast enough!! ============================================================================= * How To Play * To load SLEINAD into the game, copy SLEINAD.WAD to your DOOM II directory and type: doom2 -file SLEINAD.WAD -warp 7 -skill 4 To play it over the modem or on a network, consult the game docs and the FAQ. ============================================================================= * Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels without giving me credit for the original version, as well as stating the changes made within a text file. Also, please don't recycle the SLEINAD name with your modified versions. I've known people to find modified versions of their levels being passed around with no mention that they created the original version.. And that SUCKS! Please have a little respect for the time involved in creating this WAD by at least mentioning me, the original author! You may distribute SLEINAD.WAD in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this text file -->intact<--. If SLEINAD.WAD is to be distributed on a CD, the author expects to hear about it.. And would REALLY apprieciate a free copy!