Thank you for downloading the Need For Speed patch, ver. 1.0, by Ryan Weisenberger. This patch allows you to permanently access the bonus track and bonus car without winning the tournaments. To use: 1. Unzip NFSP.EXE and NFSPATCH.BAT into your Need For Speed Directory (usually NFS). 2. Run NFSPATCH.BAT. That's it. Make sure that you have run Need for Speed at least once before running the patch, or else the Config.Dat file may not exist. Once you have run the patch, you will have access to track #7, Lost Vegas. You can also enter these codes in the Name box... EAC POWR - 800hp bonus car. EAC RALY - Drive on Gravel. Changes the Rusty Springs track to an Egyptian race course. EAC WARP - Speeds up game for Arcade Style Play. Good luck, and I hope this patch makes the game a little more enjoyable. Flash G