~Privateer Two Edit Cheats for use to kill the Steltek. ~Cheat One. Hexedit the Steltek Drone Dead. To do that, change 2 bytes in your savegame. The savegame must be with "no current missions", though. The byte at offset #146 is the "killed the drone" flag. Change it from 0 to 1. The byte at offset #119 is the "number of Steltek drones killed" log. Change it from 0 to 1. ~Cheat Two. Hexedit your Centurion so it sports 4 boosted steltek guns up front. NOTHING survives that sort of firepower. To do this, save a game with "no current missions". Run a hexeditor and open that savegame file. At about offset #485 you should find the following 12 byte sequence: W,E,A,P,G,U,N,S,0,0,0,20. Immediately following will be a 20 byte sequence. Think of it as 5 sets of 4 byte sequences. Each 4 byte sequence represents one of your Centurion's 5 gunports. It should look something like this: 2,3,0,0,2,2,0,0,6,4,0,0,6,1,0,0,6,5,0,0. This example represents 2 plasma guns and 2 ionic cannons up front and an ionic cannon in the tail turret. The first byte in each 4 byte sequence represents the type of gun mounted there. The second byte in each 4 byte sequence represents the location on the ship. So, to give your Centurion 4 boosted steltek guns up front, change the 20 byte sequence to: 9,3,0,0,9,2,0,0,9,4,0,0,9,1,0,0,6,5,0,0. Now, THAT'S firepower. One more thing: If you hexedit steltek guns for yourself BEFORE visiting the derelict, the game will HANG whenever you visit a ship repair shop UNLESS you ALSO set the "visited the derelict" flag at offset #147. Change it from 0 to 1 and you're good to go. Anyone interested in other Privateer hexedits, drop me a line. Michael Miroslav Korcok (mk48@cornell.edu)