~Frontier: Elite II `A Complete DEBUG Edit - By Simon "LuDeCk" Burrows `This oldish games ranks highly in the order of hackability since `there are so many items of equipment which you can, or in the `case of an unhacked game, probably cannot, get! Check out my `UFO: Enemy Unknown edit in a past issue of Cheet Sheets which `must be the ultimate hack for the most hackable game of the `century!! `To get this edit up and running you will need to load the file `"EL2M12.OVL" into DEBUG then enter a series of commands depending `on what equipment you want to be available to you. First however, `you must back-up this file (eg, "COPY EL2M12.OVL EL2M12.BAK"), `then decompress it using a file decompressor (duhh!) such as `UNLITE.EXE or UNP.EXE `When you have completed these two tasks, ensure you are in your `Frontier: Elite II game directory, then type DEBUG to load the `utility of the same name. Now type the following to load the `file we are gonna' play around with into memory :- ~` NEL2M12.OVL ~` L `You are now ready to make the edits. To do this enter any of the `following lines into DEBUG, following each one with a press of `the [ENTER] key. The item of equipment each line will give you `is listed after the command. Obviously don't type the name of `the equipment in, just the 'E xxxx 00 00' bit! ~` E 05D9 00 00 1MW Beam Laser ~` E 0549 00 00 1MW Pulse Laser ~` E 0609 00 00 4MW Beam Laser ~` E 059D 00 00 5MW Pulse Laser ~` E 0645 00 00 20MW Beam Laser ~` E 05FD 00 00 30MW Mining Laser ~` E 065D 00 00 100MW Beam Laser ~` E 0519 00 00 Atmospheric Shield ~` E 050D 00 00 Auto Refueller ~` E 056D 00 00 Automatic Pilot ~` E 0531 00 00 Cargo Bay Life Support ~` E 05B5 00 00 Cargo Scoop ~` E 05E5 00 00 Class 1 Hyperdrive ~` E 0651 00 00 Class 2 Hyperdrive ~` E 0669 00 00 Class 3 Hyperdrive ~` E 0681 00 00 Class 4 Hyperdrive ~` E 06A5 00 00 Class 5 Hyperdrive ~` E 06C9 00 00 Class 6 Hyperdrive ~` E 06E1 00 00 Class 7 Hyperdrive ~` E 0675 00 00 Class 1 Military Drive ~` E 068D 00 00 Class 2 Military Drive ~` E 06BD 00 00 Class 3 Military Drive ~` E 0561 00 00 ECN System ~` E 05F1 00 00 Energy Booster ~` E 0639 00 00 Escape Capsule ~` E 0579 00 00 Extra Passenger Cabin ~` E 05A9 00 00 Fuel Scoop ~` E 0621 00 00 Hull Repair ~` E 0585 00 00 Hypercloud ~` E 05C1 00 00 Inter Drive ~` E 04E9 00 00 KL790 Homing Missile ~` E 06D5 00 00 Large Plasma ~` E 0525 00 00 Laser Cooling Booster ~` E 05CD 00 00 MB4 Mining Machine ~` E 0615 00 00 Naval ECM System ~` E 0501 00 00 NN500 Naval Missile ~` E 0555 00 00 Radar Mapper ~` E 053C 00 00 Scanner ~` E 0591 00 00 Shield Generator ~` E 06B1 00 00 Small Plasma ~` E 04D1 00 00 XB13 Dummy Nine ~` E 04DD 00 00 XB74 Proximity Nine `When you have completed all the edits you wish to use, type the `following to first save your completed file, then to quit DEBUG :- ~` W ~` Q `Finally, load the game as usual and you will be all set with a `great new batch of kit to be getting along with!! ` ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ~`By Simon "LuDeCk" Burrows ` ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ `ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ~` THIS DOCUMENT: COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 EUROWAVE LEISURE Ltd. ~` COURTESY OF SIMON BURROWS `ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ