~Stonekeep Save Game Edit Cheat In the savegame directory (game??), use some hex editor on GAMEINFO.SAV file. Offset 155 is your vitality, 157 your max vitality (for the impatient, replace 155-159 with e7 03 e7 03 - gives you 999 hit points, more will crash the game). Your companions are in there, too... same procedure. 0623 for your first character 0AF2 for your second character 0FC1 for your third character By the way, this by no means gives you virtual immortality, you still need to use strategy. The critter in the sewers (the tentacle thing) creamed me a couple of times before I managed to slay it, and I started with 999 hit points. It just makes combat a bit easier. (Hope this info is correct, as it got a little corrupt in being passed onto me). Any corrections to the above please inform me through the usual Cheet Sheets address.