~Stonekeep (Bug Fix) Enigma/ Faerie Realm bug fix. After calling Interplay, my problem is solved and I'm now happily exploring new areas in Stonekeep. For those of you unable to get into Faerie Realm after Enigma leaves, here's the solution: RIGHT AFTER he leaves, save the game in the LAST slot (19). Quit the game, go into \SAVEGAME\SAVE19 directory and rename file LEVEL06B.SAV to LEVEL06B.BAK. Now go back into the game and restore that last save. You should now be able to go into Faerie Realm and come back to meet Enigma again without a hassle. You do have to unlock the keys for the dragon and map the level again. I *did* have one more problem that I solved on my own, which seemed to work: if you have Skuz in your party, then you might encounter *another* Skuz in front of the door towards Ice Caves (no doubt the original Skuz who's waiting to join you) and be unable to pass him. The solution is to copy the file LEVEL06B.SAV from another save (after Skuz joined your party) into SAVE19 directory again. Info obtained off the Internet.