~Thunderscape RPG Game From SSI, cheats by J.Johnson-Appoo This editing cheat will need your co-operation to make it successful. Use your NU file editor and access the SAVE* directory in the Thunder directory. Edit the Save*.dat file and look for the name of your first character via the TEXT format. The statistics and skill points are directly after each character's name. To know where they are, do the following: When creating a party, only give your party a simple number i.e. from 1 to 9. Lets say you gave your party 5 for each statistics and 3 for each skill points. You can do this by pressing the left or right button of your mouse when you have highlight the corressponding statistic or skill point. Save the game and edit it thus. If you see your character's name in the text format, change it by typing F2. When you see the 5s after your character's name change them from 05 to 35 to have 55 statistics thereafter. There don't seems to be any limits to skill points so change them from 03 to FF05 to have lots of skill points. Finally, the gold is below Theros, countdown using the T of Theros as 1 and go 10 places down, then across 14 places to the right, toggle over and type 8050 or some other big number to have lots of dosh. However, failing all this, I will send a edited party to Wayne via Lu Richardson. Copy the three files into your savegame directory and start out with a super party. Good luck, John.