~Need For Speed Cheat codes obtained from Bernd Wolffgramm As far as I can tell, you have to beat the tournament -twice- before the codes are made available. Winning the tourney once just gives you the extra track (Lost Vegas). Once you've completed the 2nd tournament, a check of the credits will reveal these codes: EAC POWR - makes the bonus car available. EAC WARP - makes gameplay go faster. EAC RALY - turns Rusty Springs into an Egyptian dirt track. Yes, they have to be in all caps, and there must be a space between EAC and the code word - just like they're typed above. You type them in at the prompt for the player's name when starting a single race. It may also work in head-to-head and time trial - I haven't tried it there yet. There are also several other cheat codes that show up in the TNFS.EXE file: TEST SCAR 4X4R WACK RULE QAQA TIME SLOW but I haven't figured out what they do or how to activate them. It may be you have to win the tourney a third time to open a few more up, and so on. If anyone knows any more about them, please speak up! ~------------------------------------------------------------------- Bernd Wolffgramm * uzs691@ibm.rhrz.uni-bonn.de Editor of DIRTY LITTLE HELPER - German Cheat Database ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/dresden/games/utility/cheat/dlh10nov.zip Baerenbox (0228 - 7669388) FidoNet: 2:2453/1100 dlh10nov.zip ~-------------------------------------------------------------------