~Ultimate Doom The Ultimate Doom Cheats, contributed by Adriano Grisanti. To access any of the following cheats, simply type them in while playing the game :- IDDT ---- Use this cheat while looking at the map screen, type IDDT once to see all areas of the map, type IDDT again to see the location of all objects and enemies. Typing IDDT for the third time will revert the map back to its original state. IDDQD ----- Typing IDDQD makes you invincible, typing it again makes you mortal. IDKFA ----- Type this cheat for all the weapons, full ammo, all the keys and 200% armor. IDCLEV ------ This enables you to warp to any level, i.e. typing IDCLEV33 would warp you to episode 3, mission 3. IDSPISPOPD ---------- This baby lets you walk through walls, type this cheat in the second time to turn it off. IDBEHOLD -------- Type this followed by and of the following letters :- R = Radiation suit I = Invisible for 60 seconds V = Invisible for 30 seconds A = Reveal the entire Map. Arrears not yet visited appear in gray. L = Gives you night goggles, lasts for 2 minutes. S = Instant beserker mode. IDCHOPPERS ---------- Gives you the chainsaw. IDMYPOS ------- Prints your position co-ordinates at the top of the screen. And finally to take screen shots from this game, at the Dos prompt type Doom -devparm. Now whenever you hit the F1 key a Pcx file will be saved in the doom directory. There is also a cheat on the 2-player game, but I'll let you find that for your self (If you can't be bothered look in a back issue of cheat sheets for the cheat). Have fun. Find All the maps for doom on the Cheet Sheets BBS, along with any wad files.