~Aliens : Comic Book Adv. A few starting tips. First kill the robot. To speak with Robby you need to find him in the boarding room. Then you enter the base, go left, open door, go through vehicles and getlift (the one with the door). Go to the bay and don't forget the red pass. Here you must select Lora to open the door where Robby is a prisoner. Robby is free, it is an object, to speak to him pick it up in the inventory system and put it on the face of the one who possess him. But it has been reprogrammed by church, so you need to connect it to a computer terminal (close to the moving chains in the 1st room of the base.) The terminal found a protection system and break it. Then you can speak to him. But his help is not finished. You need to go back where you found him and try to open the coffin in the boarding room. Robby is able to do that, then you discover a map where its is written a code (154324321) Take it. The red pass gives you access to the corridors going to level 3. in the corridors you have 2 secret passages working only with the X scanner. This is why you need to take all 3 peices of the scanner. In the corridor you can speak with <> someone which is going to die under your eyes. In the corridors you will find a room. On the wall you have to enter the code you found. To see the code you must drag the icon onto the face of the one who possess it. Here you find the electronic chip. It is indispensible for finding the computer in the same room. Then you have access to "crespl" story (Gawd knows what that word was!) You'll also find a grey pass. That is very important for chapter 3. To use the vehicle you need to use a baramine (iron bar) to turn the whellin the lardger 1st room. Only Williams can do that. When you take the baramine you'll meet 3 robots => combat. With the iron bar you can turn the weel; you'll see that the fuel level is now at maximum. You can use the cable to put fuel into the vehicle.You'll use the vehicle to escape from the base at the end, but first you msut find the hand in Church laboratory. A secret passage (Scanner X you need to go to the chap 3 to have 8 pieces of the scanner x) is in the floor of the long corridor. The lift get you in a very dark room full of alien eggs and facehuggers. You'll have to fight them. Take some missiles they'll be useful later. There is a corridor in that room. It is going to chap 3. But a dead alien destroyed the corridor so you can't pass. When you have BENOXIDIL ( in the chemical center chap 3) you will be able to use this passage to go to chap 2. another secret passage is in a room in the main corridor. You'll find a CD ROM here. It is the mission order to Colonel Creepi from General Hunter. To go to chap 3 you need to find creepi's hand You need to click on 2 buttons, one in the boarding room (small red) and one on the computers situated in the large room at the center of chap 2. Then a door opens and you find a cadaver. Using lora you can cut off his hand. You find a CD ROM also; Crespi CD ROM. His hand is the only thing which can deactivate the green force field. That's it! If anyone can interprete this mess and help me out please do!! Hendrik Vandenberg (hendrik@jupiter.qub.ac.uk) ~If you can supply us with a complete solution then please email ~to us at cheets@sv.span.com or post it to the usual Cheet Sheets ~address.